Recently, in a North Carolina hospital, Doris and Sherwood, having been married 61 years, died only minutes apart while holding hands.*
In a Florida hospital, Bill and Esther, having been married 66 years, also died minutes apart. Their daughter said that “They were always, always together.”*
What a blessing— to have such beautiful marriages. And God always wants this for us!
Listen to one marriage in His word (from the Song of Solomon):
How beautiful. And how exciting!
One passage says: ““Enjoy life with your beloved wife during all the days of your fleeting life that God has given you on earth during all your fleeting days; for that is your reward in life and in your burdensome work on earth” (Ecclesiastes 9:9; NETBible).
God is here and God helps.
Someone* wrote, “In history, actions of honor and dishonor do appear plainly and distinctly…but in the present age they are so disguised." It’s true: The world is in chaos; and it’s often difficult for us to know if what’s happening is right or wrong.
But don’t worry! Because God doesn’t share this limitation — consider this scripture: “There is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13): God knows everything about every person and every action.
Four things about this:
God is here and God helps.
*Thomas Hobbes, preface to his 1628 translation of Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War
In a war* in 1675, a good man named John Eliot was going to feed and clothe some Indians stranded on an island, but some religious Puritans smashed his boat to pieces!**
Sadly, we could multiply examples of so-called godly people committing hateful atrocities — history is littered with these.
And the temptation is to throw the baby out with the bathwater and give up on God Himself. But God never approves of sin — listen to this strong condemnation in the Bible: “When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; Yes, even though you multiply prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood” (Isaiah 1:15).
God. Hates. Sin.
So please, don’t you give up on God just because others who claim to be godly don’t follow His instruction.
God is here and God helps.
*King Philip's War, aka Pometacomet's War
**Gods of War, Gods of Peace (2002); Russell Bourne, page 11
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